All Donations Are Exempted Under Section 80 G(5)(iv) of Income Tax Act 1961

Our Approach

Our Approach

At FLY FOUNDATION, we are committed to our vision for a happy, healthy and creative for everyone. Over the course of the next 5 years, and to continue to make children and their rights a priority, we have reiterated goals that FLY FOUNDATION as an organization is committed to strive for. These include ensuring each supported projects have access to free and quality education, primary healthcare and are safe from violence, abuse and exploitation. Army welfare to support martyrs families, women empowerment to stand strong for their rights (right to female education, right to female freedom, right to female speech) We will also work towards reducing the rate of malnutrition and make sure their voices are recognized in issues that affect them.

The ‘RIGHT’ Way of Working

‘Charity’ alone is not a lasting solution to enable change for the millions of living in India today, who have little or no access to facilities and are exploited daily. A rights-based approach ensures that entitlements are available to all without any discrimination. They are universal and non–negotiable. Along with our project partners, we believe that the best interest of the needs to be put at the centre of all policy, legislation and practices affecting their lives.

At Fly Foundation we believe in child rights for three reasons – because the alternatives are unjust, illegal and ineffective.

We aim to achieve measureable impact through the following process

Identify the problem
An NGO identifies problems by engaging with the community through surveys and discussions to understand their needs. It also analyzes data to pinpoint key issues like poverty, health, or education gaps, guiding effective action plans.
Partner with Grassroots NGOs
To achieve far-reaching impact on a large scale, we enable grassroots NGOs by providing them with funds, programme monitoring, building their skills, perspectives and capacities in addressing issues that affect children and their families.
Mobilise Local Communities
Through interactions, workshops and trainings with communities, we make them aware of their due entitlements from the government to bring about a better living for themselves and their children.
Create Awareness
We sensitise people on issues that affect people and cause their rights violations through various mediums of communication. We also form or participate in networks and alliances to lobby for all.
Get Public Support
To gain public support, an NGO must effectively communicate its mission and impact, building trust through transparency and success stories. Engaging with the community and leveraging social media can also help rally support and increase visibility.
Enable Change
To enable change, an NGO implements targeted programs that address identified issues and empowers communities with the tools and knowledge to sustain progress. Continuous monitoring and adapting strategies ensure lasting impact and transformation.